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    High Performance

Adapting to Change

January 1, 2019

Here’s the naked truth. “The measures that should matter to CEO’s are the same measures their customers use when adapting to change.”  When it comes to phasing-out unprofitable programs and services many behavioral health managers just continue hanging on. Even … Continued

Strategic Flexibility

As Alan Branche stated, “Strategic execution is the responsibility that makes or breaks executives.” This profound insight underscores the critical importance of striking the right balance between focused commitment and effective resource utilization – a delicate dance that separates the … Continued

Fostering New Thinking

Kindergarten kids having fun, learning how team's can play together and have fun.
November 1, 2018

Fostering new thinking and overcoming operational barriers at the same time can be difficult. This is especially true when organizational problems are caused by years of management inertia and neglect. When caught in the midst of revolutionary change, managers are often … Continued

Lesson Learned About Pot

October 2, 2018

LESSONS LEARNED ABOUT POT I am sharing this information with my grandchildren and our readers who are the dearest people in my life. Having been in the addiction treatment business for 40 plus years, and still in it, I felt … Continued

Changes Coming

September 2, 2018

As healthcare reform continues sweeping changes in service delivery systems, changes to substance abuse treatment systems will be far greater than anything previously experienced. This reformation will require not only organizational restructuring, but the development of new lower cost services … Continued

Envisioning the Future

August 5, 2018

The organizational vision is the institution’s reason for being. Envisioning the future reflects people’s idealistic reasons for doing the company’s work. It captures the very soul of the organization. Merck provides an interesting, thoughtful statement of purpose: “to preserve and … Continued

Competitive Intelligence

July 2, 2018

Competitive intelligence is the creation of new insights and new thinking that can help managers make better decisions. This is not about following in competitor’s footsteps. In a new world of fierce competition, health organizations are going to need to … Continued

Operations Innovation

June 1, 2018

Progressive innovation and incremental change within the healthcare organization has the power to transform services. Performance studies by the ACG Group have found many legacy addiction and mental health programs have changed little in the last decade.  Rather than forge … Continued

Value Based Services

May 1, 2018

It has always been true that people have been willing to pay for value based goods and services. In recent years, economic swings in our economy have been overshadowed by an enthusiastic stampede of users headed towards global business on … Continued

Strategic Flexibility

April 15, 2018

Having strategic flexibility can either make or break a CEO. The essence of strategy is in the balancing of focused, concerted commitment on one hand with the effective utilization of resources on the other. It is a difficult measurement to … Continued