Consumer expectations in provider improvements of service quality are increasing.
Giving people a decision-making framework for their choice of health provider has become a emerging market trend.
The message health providers have to hear are that, provider services must become much more transparent and responsive to patients, families and for 3rd Payers who are paying a larger share of the healthcare costs.
People are wanting to receive their health services locally, where they perceive they’ll be receiving the best care. In the future, safety, quality, cost and convenience will be critical determinants of value for services being purchased.
With sources of health insurance coverage now available for consumers through the current modified Affordable Heath Care Act, greater numbers of people are being enrolled for the first time in both government and private health plans Now, people will have the ability to pay for their healthcare services.
With managed healthcare systems, mandated health benefits has become demand for choice and quality, from consumers, employers and government payers.
As consumers take on more of their personal costs for health services through co-pays and tiered insurance they will be utilizing the Internet and other Informational resources to make wiser health purchasing decisions. Increasingly, people will be weighing issues such as, out of pocket costs, facility and ancillary services, quality care. More importantly success outcomes and reputation will become important determinants of value.
Community providers working together cooperatively in preparing, collecting meaningful quality clinical data will surely benefit from shared comparative reporting. Much of the governmental community standards information is now being made available on-line as well as shared directly with consumers through established media communications. Healthcare providers must quickly adapt to consumer expectations.