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Managed Care Consequences

November 3, 2019

Implementation of Managed Care controls across most health care services has consequences for patients, providers and health delivery systems. The term “Managed Care” is increasingly utilized to cover a variety of organizational structures, insurance benefits, and regulations. Today the intent … Continued

Organizational Change

September 2, 2019

When companies hit hard times, it is not uncommon for managers to shuffle their complement of supervisors. The natural tendency of new managers on the scene is to reorganize, sometimes repeatedly. But does that approach really fix what’s not working … Continued

Evolutionary Change

August 10, 2019

In over forty years of experience delivering behavioral health services, experience has taught our Team: change should be evolutionary and almost never revolutionary. The popular notion flowing from inexperienced managers inevitably urges rapid change as a daily prerequisite for organizational … Continued

Manager Accountability

June 2, 2019

In this rapidly changing healthcare landscape health care executives will be held to greater levels of accountability. Old line managers used to doing business as usual, will have to quickly adapt to the reality of new accountability standards designed by … Continued

Evolutionary Change

May 1, 2019

Over the course of forty years in the field of behavioral healthcare services, experience has taught me change should be evolutionary and virtually never revolutionary. The popular notion flowing from inexperienced managers inevitably urges rapid change as a daily prerequisite … Continued

Managed Care Plans

April 1, 2019

Managed Care Plans are programs designed to control the costs of healthcare services. These plans employ various strategies to manage patient use, quality, and financing. Strategies include setting annual and lifetime limits, implementing co-payments, and requiring pre-approvals for certain services. … Continued

Trends in Health Care

March 2, 2019

Trending costs in Behavioral Health services has brought an increased focus to the problem of spiraling health care costs. Behavioral Health treatment providers and their representative associations, have not addressed the problem of increasing costs with a sensible set of … Continued

Adapting to Change

January 1, 2019

Here’s the naked truth. “The measures that should matter to CEO’s are the same measures their customers use when adapting to change.”  When it comes to phasing-out unprofitable programs and services many behavioral health managers just continue hanging on. Even … Continued

Strategic Flexibility

As Alan Branche stated, “Strategic execution is the responsibility that makes or breaks executives.” This profound insight underscores the critical importance of striking the right balance between focused commitment and effective resource utilization – a delicate dance that separates the … Continued

Fostering New Thinking

November 1, 2018

Fostering new thinking and overcoming operational barriers at the same time can be difficult. This is especially true when organizational problems are caused by years of management inertia and neglect. When caught in the midst of revolutionary change, managers are often … Continued