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    High Performance

Drug Court Evaluations

May 10, 2017

Drug Court Evaluations must focus on program evaluation as the central core of the quality monitoring process for drug courts. Evaluation consists of identifying key quality indicators through team consensus for which data will be collected and systematically monitored. These … Continued

Drug Courts and Evaluation

April 30, 2017

For at least the last twenty years, the large increases in the number of criminal offenders nation-wide can be directly attributed to drug addiction1. Conventional criminal justice interventions of probation and incarceration, while at times necessary, have not shown to … Continued

Management Leadership

March 31, 2017

Management leaders play a crucial role in shaping the success of an organization. Just like a high school football coach, effective managers understand their team members’ capabilities and how to leverage them for optimal performance. By strategically revising the team, … Continued

Financial Growth

February 24, 2017

While many behavioral health CEO’s treat cost cutting as a major management function, conversely, there are too few of these same leaders capable of building sustained financial growth. Much like, “lines in the sand”, leaders tend to build concrete barriers … Continued

Strategic Planning

January 2, 2017

Strategic planning is about matching the strengths of the business to available opportunities. To do this effectively, you will need to collect, screen and analyze information about the current business environment. This will help you in defining a clearer understanding … Continued

The Human Element

Supports continuous improvement by learning from past incidents. and it ensures implementation of corrective measures.
December 13, 2016

We believe the organization must reflect the core values and vision of its leadership. As the human element within the organization continues to grow and develop, there should be an evidence-based performance reporting system in place, to ensure the organization benefits … Continued

Service Excellence

November 15, 2016

Focus on Service Excellence: For those of us working in the Behavioral Health Care industry the careful use of words matters a lot more than we may think. With the changes anticipated in the Affordable Care Act, top management will … Continued

Treatment Quality

October 11, 2016

The quality of treatment can never rise above the quality of the assessment on which it is based. “When behavioral health programs use many of the ‘canned’ computer assisted assessments out there, they are frequently failing to collect vital, specific … Continued

New Product Ideas

September 16, 2016

In today’s world, companies are beginning to apply new product development ideas to non-profit health care delivery systems.  Because most innovative products and services can be relatively easy to reverse engineer and duplicate, they frequently result in a time limited … Continued

Engaged Work Cultures

August 16, 2016

Knowledge malnutrition is common across the spectrum of both managers and line staff who are feeling left out of the loop. Presently people are subsisting on just two forms of communications. The first is the limited data provided by management … Continued