Organizations reflect the values and vision of leadership.
Leaders within the organization normally grow and develop through practical experience and education. When this happens, the organization benefits from these growth experiences.
In today’s world, companies are applying product development ideas to non-profit health delivery systems. Innovative products can be relatively easily reverse engineered and duplicated. This results in a time limited advantage to the healthcare facility.
However, the design of exceptional service delivery systems are much more difficult for competitors to try to duplicate. As a result, quality service programs are much longer lasting. Savvy managers should assume hungry competitors will want to expand their services as well, regardless of whether it makes financial sense or not.
Management can anticipate these developments with competitive forces by creating a model experience ensuring patients are receiving the highest quality of care possible. This branding should include: highly qualified staff, continuous measurement of quality improvement indicators; where professional care is delivered in a friendly, efficient, resourceful, and responsive manner.
Well-designed, people oriented services have the ability of creating an intimate and emotional bond with patients, families and referral sources. These types of services are capable of driving long term loyalty and organizational growth.
Gains in efficiency tend to encourage more consumption. As we drive around in our blue tooth enabled phones engrossed in conversation, absent to the rest of the world we can easily lose our sense of engagement with patients. Ultimately we can readily end up compromising our awareness of underlying values and our ability to manage operations. Note that we as leaders must always reflect the values and vision of the organization.
Consumers are not just economic bundles of desires but rather human beings who cannot be satisfied by having lots of things. Sustainable health care businesses are people businesses helping us escape from shallow advertising. Offering carefully designed products and services must bring the world of health care into a new reality.