Scratch the surface of every successful venture and you will find a careful, thorough, meticulous plan executed by well-educated leaders who are willing to adapt and innovate.
As we approach the New Year health care CEO’s, in particular, should asking themselves whether their strategic plans require an overhaul or not.
Is your company really up to speed? Do your strategies really run counter to conventional wisdom? Are you actively launching new products and services? Is your organization built for speed in this fast paced, changing environment?
Do you have a close relationship with your patient and referral base? While most competition is usually focused on price, quality and accessibility have you found more innovative ways of competing? With over capacity everywhere, providing the same set of services as everyone else is a losing game.
Competing on these standard measures alone will almost surely fail to grow the organization. Success over the long haul is more than just offering good deals. It really is about building long term relationships with patients, referral sources and your professional staff.
The effectiveness of management’s strategic thinking has everything to do with how successful the organization performs in today’s competitive marketplace. You may not become successful at selling your services by only improving them a small amount.
New ideas such as upgrading customer expectations, challenging the status quo, improving treatment outcomes, introducing technologies have first appeared strange but their originality has paid off handsomely.
Normally good organizations are always fun places to work – and fun places to receive your health care services from. You don’t have to be downbeat to have a disciplined successful work environment.
For the most part services provided by organizations’ that brings smiles to the faces of consumers are also happy and successful ones. Your business is all about personal attention, that’s why an updated strategic plan is one of the keys to operational success.