It has always been true that people have been willing to pay for value based goods and services.
In recent years, economic swings in our economy have been overshadowed by an enthusiastic stampede of users headed towards global business on the internet.
While some health providers have been highly successful at adding value based services in a changing marketplace, many others have not done so well. Although successful businesses on the internet continue generating double-digit growth, this decade long shift in healthcare services has mostly spelled doom and gloom for old-line legacy health providers, unable to adapt to change.
It’s exciting and rewarding to see healthcare entrepreneurs coming up with brilliant ideas, developing them, and seeing end-users receive excellent value out these newly built products and services. Any organization willing to open themselves up to these opportunities and taking on risk oftentimes end up with significant rewards. In this rapidly changing health care industry, no one ever has all the right answers that can be directly translated into value based services.
Finding the future that is everywhere around us – that’s where legacy health systems will have to identify their value based care. While some management teams may wonder whether their businesses can change fast enough to survive – experience has shown flexibility is simply a mindset. Here’s the good news, the business of health commerce is as much about transforming current operations as it is about reshaping critical assets. Important pieces such as building upon community support, where providers have generated enduring support are frequently overlooked as important elements of potential assistance.
Opportunities lie in identifying the value oriented professionals throughout the operation, then forging them into a problem solving business team focused on building growth and breathing life into operations. The Goal is a simple one: have an effective employee team that is focusing on value based services and business success.
What shape is your healthcare business really in? As a response to unprecedented market pressures, many organizations are in the process of re-configuring themselves. They’ve recognized isolated improvements without the careful planning essential to ensure their survival. Successfully transforming and re-aligning vital parts of value based service operations into a series of strategies and adjusting to changing markets is the wave of the future.
Addiction Consulting Group’s work has given us unique insights into carefully balancing technologies, processes and people. Instead of being able to just point you in new, successful directions, we can help make sure the whole organization moves forward aggressively towards a value based service system.